You are probably interested in this book because you are a business owner, who is looking to increase your capacity to grow your business. You have spent money, tried all types of sales and marketing tricks and hacks, but you are stuck. Why?
Because there are only so many hours in the day and you already are burning the candle at both ends. So, you don’t want to hear any more magical solutions or empty promises. No more preaching about productivity, mindset or how you are the “problem.”
You want real solutions to the dilemmas all successful business owners faced before they grew their companies to the next level.
In this ground-breaking book, you will discover:
I bet that you are a business owner who feels that their time is spent mostly answering customer’s questions and putting out fires instead of focusing on vital business growth. You long to lead an independent business that can thrive and grow without being solely dependent on you.
Can you imagine what life would be like to own and run a VIP business (Valuable, Independent and Profitable)? Wouldn’t it be great to have the time to focus on leading and growing the company while having the freedom to enjoy personal time without sacrifice?
This is a great time for you to overcome the roadblocks you are experiencing—the ones that stop you from growing your business and hold you back and prevent you from having the work-life balance that you deserve. Yes, you too can have it all, by learning how to create a valuable, independent, and profitable business that works for you!
George Sotiropoulos is a top-notch business advisor and mentor whose passion is helping service business owners implement strategies to successfully lead and grow their business while enjoying the work-life balance that they deserve.
As a dedicated business owner, it is difficult to focus on all the important aspects of the business when there is little time left at the end of the day. Countless overwhelmed business owners are putting out fires and responding to customers’ needs without time to develop and execute strategic sales and marketing plans needed for growth. And worst of all, they are forced to turn away business they need because they are too overworked to personally handle it.
With a background in institutional sales and business development, including an MBA from the University of Chicago, George helps owners transform their companies into VIP businesses – making them valuable, independent, and more profitable. He has the expertise to guide business owners in discovering and implementing practical solutions to achieve the full potential of their business and give them the life they want today.
Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore highlights 10 roadblocks holding you back from the freedom you deserve from your business. This book offers valuable insight on how to create a more profitable business that can thrive and grow without becoming solely dependent on you.