Business Owners – Remove Roadblocks and Grow Your Business!

In your session with George Sotiropoulos, you’ll learn:

Who am I and Why the Sellability of your Business Matters


That is the percentage of Business owners who try to sell their companies one day and fail.

Often these are owners of profitable businesses.

Who counted on selling their business to retire or start the next chapter in their lives.

Who ended up breaking their promise that it would be worth it to their families and themselves while they slaved away all those hours and sacrificed all that quality time.

This is why I started Sophiall.

To overcome these odds and ensure that every business owner has the opportunity that only the top 5% previously enjoyed – to build and capture the full value of a business that can transform their life.

Let’s face it.

As a dedicated business owner, it can be difficult to focus on all of the important aspects of the business when there is very little time left at the end of the day.

Putting out fires and responding to customers’ needs without time to develop, and execute, the key plans needed to grow and ultimately exit your business on your terms.

Worse of all, becoming buried in a daily grind and even turning business away you need, because you are too overwhelmed to personally handle it.

But the good news is that through a timeless system I call Socratic Success, the system used by successful entrepreneurs everywhere, you can also make your business fulfill why you started it in the first place.

With my background in finance, strategy, and business development, including an MBA from the University of Chicago, I bring Socratic Success to business owners in one solution. 

100% implementable and tailored to you and your business.

With Socratic Success, you not only create an asset that is better positioned to sell at the top one day, but also transform your business today into a machine that is more lucrative, attractive to customers (and investors) and ultimately more enjoyable to run.

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