Frequently Asked Questions

About the Fouder - George Sotiropoulos
Who is George? I know nothing about him

George Sotiropoulos founded Sophiall in 2021 after a career spanning finance, investor relations, business development, and consulting. During that time George also started two businesses from scratch for their owners and made them 7 figure businesses by the time he left.

George grew up in the USA and attended University at UCLA and earned his MBA from the University of Chicago.  IN 2005, George moved to London and since 2008 has been based in Dubai.

George’s focus on Sophiall is to work with you as a business owner to make your business a true asset by making it “sellable” even if you have no intention to sell anytime soon.

In plain English, a sellable business gives you the freedom and peace of mind from owning a business that can thrive without you as it will have the systems, processes and teams in place to make the business click and give you the opportunity to grow it and spend your time on what is important to you.

There is no substitute for owning a sellable company, and that is why George has made all his efforts to help business owners enjoy an experience that only the top 5% have enjoyed.

Why should I listen to George?

Because he can help you get out of that box you might have put yourself into. 

He brings a range of experiences and insights from different industries and practices to help you apply what is relevant to you and your situation.

George understands you know your business better than he does, so he’s not here to tell you how to run your business.

Instead, he is here to guide you in enhancing and transforming your business often with the tools and resources you have. 

Through sharing best practices, simple but effective exercises, personalised 1:1 attention and collaboration with fellow business owners, George helps you clarify where you are and where you need to get.

And the solution is yours… so you know how to implement and will most likely do so.

Because results are what matters…. Not ideas and concepts.

David and Linda took this to heart and invested in the Socratic Success System. In 18 months they cut their workload by 60% and were able to 10x their business into 7 figures.

How is George’s approach different?

First solutions are not imposed for George’s convenience or because it fits his model.  Every solution is tailored and personalised to you so you will implement it. 

The reason there is such a lack of results out there is that consultants are charging money to recommend solutions that are unrealistic or difficult to implement at best because it ignores the specific situation of the owner.

Second, the Sophiall Success system is focused on making your business an asset instead of a job that you own that pays the bills.  Only when your business becomes an asset can you scale its profits and growth beyond the ceilings imposed by your human situation.

Third, the Sophiall Success system applies best practices across several disciplines from business strategy, exit planning, delegation, differentiation, direct response marketing, business culture, pricing, optimal customer experiences and more.

Most everyone else imposes a favourite template upon you that most likely does not apply or may only have pieces that apply to you.

The Sophiall Success System in contrast is built on a foundation of what other successful entrepreneurs put in their companies to make them wildly successful.

To recreate what Sophiall puts in one place would require you to run around and invest 100 times more money and waste years chasing all the pieces down to try to put in one place.

Why is George qualified to help me?

George is a published author with over 30 years of professional experience across Finance, business development, new markets, networking and other disciplines. Combined with an MBA from the University of Chicago and his Socratic based system, George works with you to conquer those roadblocks that are trapping you inside your business through solutions that are 100% tailored to you and where you are today

Working with the Socratic Success System
Does Socratic Success Work

Yes because fundamentally it has the DNA common to successful businesses world wide but is flexible enough that you can apply 100% to your business.

It’s about the clarity you receive to know where you must spend your time and money to build the type of business that gives you the life you want.

Like two of my clients in completely different industries but how both wanted and successfully scaled into a global expansion by leveraging the principles they learned in their Socratic Success systems.

Can I implement Socratic Success?

Yes because it’s tailored to you and your situation. For example, I had 2 clients one with 10 employees and the other over 100, and both successfully leveraged the Socratic Success solutions that were tailored to their individual circumstances. 

Many other advisor solutions are focused on strong arming you to install expensive systems or other processes that make no sense for you.  And they charge you for it.

Socratic Success is flexible enough to bring success to every client despite their differences in size, industry, outlook, or even goals for the business.

You will discover how easy it is to implement the insights from Socratic Success.  It’s why we are confident enough to offer an initial 30 day money back guarantee.*

Will I need to put in a whole ton of effort to make this work

Socratic Success is not a magic wand like something my daughters read in their Disney books.  You will have to implement the solutions you design and sometimes there will be some effort required.

That said, the average “effort” our clients have put in when it comes to implementation has averaged 5 or less hours a month.

If anything, their experience is the opposite.  Quickly our clients find themselves getting rid of the busy work and soul crushing daily grind.  They see the hours opening up and the freedom is exhilarating… often in as little as 30 days

Will this be a waste of my time and energy?

No. the Opposite.  Sophiall Success Solutions is your key to stopping the money and time you might be wasting and burning every day that you run a business that is more of a job than an asset.

If you are like the usual Sophiall clients, you will instead gain significant energy and free time that you can apply to what you want.

What is a waste of your energy and time is to continue doing what you are doing unless your business is truly giving you the life you dreamt about… right now.

Is this going to be a waste of money?

No, unless you do not implement the solutions you discovered through the Socratic Success System.

If anything, the Socratic Success System usually pays for itself in your first 30 days because it frees your time and positions you to pursue the opportunities that can scale up your business.

For example, I had a client who invested $3k monthly and increased her profits by 10x and began receiving 7 figure offers for the business (which she declined as was growing at a rapid 30% clip).

The Socratic Success System comes with a refund guarantee so it can be effectively free if you are not blown away from the results.

I've tried so many others - How do I know this will be different?

Well to start the primary focus of the Sophiall Socratic Success System is to give you the clarity to know how to invest your time and money in running a business that gives you the life you want.

It’s 100% tailored to you and your present situation and resoruces which is different from the expensive packages that often are not aligned with you and your situation.

Second, you will know very fast if this the right thing for you or not. 

That is why we offer the 30 day refund guarantee.

So effectively you can kick the tires and see if this is the right solution for you.

Have there been great results with the Socratic Success System?

Yes.  From a client who increased the offer for her business by over $1 million in just six months, to the clients who successfully scaled and expanded their business globally, to even a prospect who took the Sophiall assessment and received enough insights to capture $500,000 more in an offer for her business.

Will I feel or look stupid doing this?

No, and this is also what stands Sophiall apart from many other consultants – especially name brand ones. 

You know your business better than any consultant because you were the one who started and built it to where it’s today.

Which is why we focus exclusively on giving you perspectives and tools that you know you can apply in your unique situation to get the results and life that has so far eluded you.

So there is no reason to feel or look stupid going through the Sophiall Success System. 

Will there be times you slap forehead and say to yourself “I knew this!”?

Yes, but that momentary feeling is nothing compared to the transformation and outcomes that await you.

After all, there are no dumb questions .. nor dumb clients.

What is dumb is to say you won’t invest the time to save even more time or the money to make more money – today and tomorrow.

How to work with the Socratic Success System and why you should today
Do I need this right now?

You don’t need this now… you needed this from YESTERDAY.

Every day you own a business that is not an asset is a day that you are burning your time and money.

Why keep taking the risk and having the stress of owning a job.  Start with the Socratic Success System and see how quickly it will transform your life.

You will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner

What if I sign up and it's the wrong decision?

We want to take the stress of making a decision off your shoulders so all of our packages offer a 30 day no questions asked full refund guarantee.  If you are not wowed by the Socratic Success System you can ask for your money back.*.

Who should go through the Socratic Success System?

Business owners who are serious about investing in themselves and the success of their business.

How do we know if you are serious?

  • You have invested your time and money in other programs and advisors. The results might not be what you wanted but you understand that the right program with the right community can be a game changer.
  • You’re not hunting to make a deal or get one over us. We’re not in a spice market so we don’t cater to discount zombies.
  • You understand that continuing down the same path and hoping for different results is the definition of insanity.
  • You are constantly learning and trying to make yourself a better business owner.
  • You understand the difference between leveraging a sale to make a customer and leveraging a customer to make a sale.

Business owners looking to grow their business and wanting clarity on where to invest their time and money to grow the most effectively.

Business owners with an abundance mentality and not a scarcity one.  How can you tell which one you have?

If you’re comfortable to break bread in one of our events with “competitors” than you have an abundance mentality because you understand that often your closest collaborators might be your competitors in certain areas.

You’re looking to give and help others in the community.  You’re not looking to sell to them.

You plan or hope to sell your business one day.

Who SHOULD NOT go through the Socratic Success System?

Bargain hunters and freebie seekers. Also known as Discount Zombies.  If you need to stroke your ego by forcing a reduction in price or a discount than we are not the place for you.  If anything, we raise prices on people who push too hard for a discount.

Price Shoppers – Self-evident who I am talking about.

Shiney Object Hunters – if all you do is collect subscriptions and programs and do nothing with them, than we are not the right solution for you.  You need to believe in implementation.

Rude people – The world does not revolve around you and just because you’re a client doesn’t mean Sophiall is your servant. We are your partners not your slaves and so if you cannot understand that then please take that attitude somewhere else.

Why should I register NOW?

Every day you run your business is an exit event because every day you get closer to your exit.  What you don’t know is whether your exit will be planned or unplanned. Will it be a catastrophe for you and your family or a boon?

Here’s the thing… 70%+ of exits are unplanned and leave the owner and/or his family with a dimished and discounted business or no business at all. 

So today you are right now burning money or creating it..  what is it you want to do?  Do want to burn some money in a bon fire before going to bed? 

Register now and get on the path of creating your value and equity and so capturing the full value of what you have built.

How does the Socratic System work?

The Socratic Success System is powerful yet simple to use.

It does not require you to work even more overtime or to add complicated systems just to understand how it works.

The premise is simple: Provide you the clarity to know where to invest your time and money in building a business that gives you the life you want.

There are three phases that run concurrently which are

Discover – where we assess the business and where it stands with your goals and aspirations for it. 

Insights – where we identify the opportunities and threats that can propel your growth or that can keep you stuck or even diminish or destroy your business, and

Solutions – the actions you can take which you know are 100% tailored to you and your situation that can transform your business and ultimately your life.

In terms of the business, we focus on 1) Improving your profits and cash flow, 2) Driving up the value and equity of your business, and 3) growing and scaling the business to where you want it to be from a small intimate company to a sprawling conglomerate.

This approach is consistent in all the ways we interact with each other, from the  1:1 advisory, our workshops and group collaborations, all the way to the courses on our membership portal and the daily emails and posts I send out.

Why is it called the Socratic Success System?

Socratic because we utilise the discipline of the Socratic method in all 3 phases of the system. 

The Socratic Method is all about asking questions to help people think more deeply and discover their own answers. It’s a way of guiding someone to insights through thoughtful dialogue rather than just giving them the solution.

Through the Socratic Success System, we help business owners uncover the best strategies for their unique situations by asking the right questions and challenging assumptions.

Then we build on the Socratic foundation by taking the best practices for success from different disciplines of business strategy, customer experience, direct response marketing and other disciplines so the business owner has the tools to build a business that truly works for them – often with the existing resources they already have.

It’s not about expensive and shiny objects.  It’s about a systematic process for systematic success.

 And Sophiall is the global leader and exclusive provider of the Socratic Success System in one place

How much do I need to invest in the Socratic Success System

It depends where you are on your journey and the outcomes you want to invest in experiencing.

The investments and solutions will be tailored to you and your situation when it comes to our 1:1 advisory series.

I can’t give a specific amount but retainer packages range from USD $1997 to USD $4,997 per month or flexible one time non-retainer  packages from USD $3,197 to USD $9,197.

Many of our clients are not ready yet for the 1:1 solution and so we have our different workshops and our monthly Group Master Round Table Solutions for them. 

There is a $93 monthly group subscription where we meet four times a month and subscribers get access to all meetings (live and zoom) as well as the portal.

What type of Companies Invest in the Socratic Success System?

Companies looking to Sell in the next 1 – 5 Years:  This is a popular offering as many of these clients are planning to sell the business to retire or raise capital for the next chapter in their lives.

7 out of 10 business owners that try to sell their companies fail – even though many are profitable. And many of the ones who succeed end up getting the short end of the stick and leaving lots of money at the table.

And by lots of money we’re talking six, seven and 8 figure generational life changing amounts you are leaving at the table if your business isn’t positioned to sell when the opportunity presents itself.

Business Owners Buried and Looking to Free themselves and Grow:  We also get business owners who want to grow the company but are so busy and stuck in the day to day grind that they don’t have the time or energy to grow the business. Here we free them and help them focus their time and energy on where a business owner should be focusing – building an asset that gives them the life they want.

Here is a message I share in the bottom of my emails but which I think summarises perfectly the type of Companies who invest in the Socratic Success System.

I work with overworked and frustrated business owners who looked for help but received just empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business and get the life they want.

Instead of just ideas and tactics, we discover together actionable insights that can be easily implemented to generate more money, make the business more valuable and position you to capture these life-changing opportunities.

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