“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do”

  • Romans 7:15

This verse has been resonating in my head after a couple of health kicks in the A**for me.

First, a persistent cough that has actually caused an important meeting to be cancelled as the 65 year old person rightfully so did not want to sit in a room with someone, i.e. me, hacking out a lung.

Second, a physical and blood tests showing obesity and ref flags for potential diabetes and actual warnings on excess bad cholesterol.

And here’s the thing…. I know better!

At one point in my late 30s I was exercising regularly ..eating healthy and was extremely fit.

So what happened?

Laziness? Sure part of it…

Willful stubbornness.

I was going to have that cookie today, tomorrow, day after and yes also those pancakes because damn it..  I want them…. (like my 3 year old wanting something and throwing herself on the floor in a tantrum to try to get it..)

So enough about me….what does this have to do with business?

Almost everything when it comes to results you are not achieving and you keep trying do the same things and hope for a different outcome.

Like a client who complained they didn’t have the time to do my program

Who luckily had a spouse who wanted the program…

And guess what…. Not only did I free up their time..   we increased their cash flow 10x and made them a 7-figure business in 18 months.

The biggest take away.. he stopped doing what he was doing and did what helped others achieve success.

How about you? Does this sentence in Romans resonate for you?


P.S. Be on the lookout for my free 5 part challenge to stand out and free yourself from stressing and competing on price which will come soon.

P.P.S. I work with information-based service business owners who started the business to have a better life, only to find themselves falling short and then getting frustrated by the broken promises and lack of results when they sought help elsewhere.

That’s when they find me and I show them exactly what path to take when investing their time and money in their business, so they can live the life they want.

We do it through 1;1 consultations, group master round tables and workshops and other collaborations whose insights are 100% tailored to them and which can easily be implemented.

But don’t take my word for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.