The Value Builder System
Scoring your Business by the Only Test that Matters....
What Someone Would Pay For It
The Value Builder System™ is statistically proven to improve the value of privately held businesses.
The Value Builder Score™ measures a business based on the eight key factors that buyers look for when making an acquisition. This score tells you how “sellable” your business is; whether you want to sell next year or just to know that you’re building a valuable asset for the future.
More than 60,000 companies have participated in the survey, and those who have improved their score to 90 + received offers that are 7.1x higher than the average score.
The Value Builder System™ is available exclusively through an experienced and authorized group of advisors, known as Certified Value Builders™, located across the globe.
Sophia Global Consulting F.Z.E. with its Sophiall Solution is a Certified Value BuilderTM.

Control your Future: Double your Value. Double your Offers.
The Value Builder System Process
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Answer the Questionnaire
Instantly Get your Score
Receive your Customised Report
What we Measure Your Business Against
The 8 Drivers of Company Value

Company Value Driver 1: Financial Performance and Record Keeping
Your history of Producing revenue and profit combined with the professionalism of your record keeping.

Company Value Driver 2: Growth Potential and Scalability
Your likelihood to grow your business in the future and at what rate.

Company Value Driver 3: Company Dependence
How dependent your business is on any one employee, customer or supplier.

Company Value Driver 4: Cash Flow Timing
Whether your business generates rich cash flows or sucks up the cash.

Company Value Driver 5: Recurring Revenue
The proportion and quality of automatic, annuity-based revenue you collect each month

Company Value Driver 6: Niche Monopoly and Pricing Freedom
How well differentiated your business is from competitors and your pricing freedom.

Company Value Driver 7: Customer Satisfaction and Promotion
The likelihood that your customers will re-purchase and also refer you.

Company Value Driver 8: Owner Co-Dependency
How depenendent your business is upon you and how enslaved you are to its day-to-day grind. How would it perform if you were suddenly unable to work for a period of three months.
Eight Key Drivers of Business Value. These are the criteria investors seek when evaluating a private company.
The Value Builder Engagement: A structured process to drive up your business value to your target price
Using your report and feedback, you are systematically guided through 12 modules to increase your business’s performance and value.
Platinum and Diamond members work with a Sophiall Advisor 1: 1 to go through the modules and other Sophiall tools and resources.
Gold members go through the modules independently at their own pace.
The Goal:
Transform your company to thrive without you, so that you can capture the full value of the independent asset you have created.
10 Benefits of the Sophiall Solution
Benchmarking your Business
Identify where to focus and what to do to increase the value of your business.
Find the products and services you can leverage to scale up the fastest..
Customer Satisfaction
Benchmark where you stand in customer satisfaction, and capture the voice of your customer. Will they refer?
Growth Potential
Discover the products and services that you can grow the company fastest with the least risk.
Recurring Revenue
Increase the quality and quantity of Recurring Revenue Streams you can utilise.
Monopoly and Pricing Freedom
Identify and strengthen your defendable market niche and exercise more pricing power.
Owner Independence and Delegation
Free yourself from the daily grind of your business. Learn practical ways to delegate and empower your company to thrive without you.
Cash Flow and Maximising Value
Optimise the timing of your Company's cash flows to alleviate any working capital funding stresses that can discount its value.
Strategic Short List
Identify and begin creating a short list of ideal strategic buyers for your company. Cultivate the relationships to negotiate from a position of strength when the time comes to sell.
Financial Freedom Point
Understand the price you need to sell your business to achieve your long-term financial goals, and the ideal time to achieve this goal.
Start with Three Simple Steps
Step 1: Discover

- Benchmark: Value Builder Assessment
- Business Model Deep Dive
- Significant Road Blocks
- Short and Long Term Goals
Step 2: Plan

- Schedule Roadblock Removal
- Identify Highest Growth Opportunities
- Timeline and Milestones,
- Personalised Road Map Plan.
Step 3: Execute

- Freeing you from the Business
- Creating a Business that can Thrive without you
- Leveraging Hidden Value in the Business
- Scaling your Business without Limits.
True Freedom comes from Owning a Business that is Valuable, Scalable, and "Sellable".
Get the best insights on how to increase your company's value and independence with free case studies, tools and resources sent directly to your inbox.