My first official hit on my High School Baseball team was a home run.

My second official hit was a Triple.

Now what was interesting was that when I joined the team.. it was as the equipment manager because I had failed the original tryouts.

But coach Shane and I would go to the field before practice started and do 1:1 work on hitting the ball and unlearning the habits that held me back.

Keep the elbow up..  point the shoulder.. and don’t try to kill the ball or you will pull out your head and miss it..”

Half way into the season he promoted me.

And penciled me in as the DH (my fielding still had a bit to be desired..).

To this day I will remember the pitch, the hit and flying around the bases … with coach waving his arms frantically to send me home..  and then being mobbed at home plate..

So what does this story have to do with your business?

Simple… Coach Shane shared the wisdom of baseball greats to help take me to the next level.

Just like your business.. to get to the next level.. where it gives you the freedom to spend your time as you wish and the money to support the life you want.

Spend a few weeks with the family on holiday while leaving the phone in the hotel room? – Check.

Spend your time meeting potential partners and focusing on growing your business instead of putting out daily fires – Check.

It’s the collective wisdom that builds a sellable business and frees you from day 1.

And the few minutes that can save years of wasted time and efforts.

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