When I opened the phone first thing Sunday morning the headline screamed at me:

“Trump is Safe After Assasination Attempt at Political Rally”

Suddenly awake I clicked on to read what happened and something struck me.

Trump insisting with the Secret Service that he be allowed to face the crowd and raise his fist to show he’s ok before being led away.

It was perfect imagery for the moment.

Especially one now suffused with blood and death to give it deep symbolism and meaning.

In a previous post I hinted at what Trump does that allowed him to handedly beat Biden in their June debate and which we can apply to our own business.

And I will repeat it here in a little more clarity.

First, all thanks to Ben Settle who has discussed this in his newsletters and really introduced and clarified the concept for me.

It’s a concept of “world building” and “sociological marketing”

Think Disney and the world it has created

Or Apple and its world.

Think of how they market and get people emotionally invested in their brands and overall experiences.

You see, Trump communicates in a way that invites people to enter his world and his rules.

Everyone plays a part.. from Trump himself .. to his family and his opponents who often get colourful monikers like Crooked Hillary or Sleepy Joe.

But the point is that he builds a world that creates rabid fans and every twist in his campaign – legal, political or now life and death – becomes a new plot twist that keeps both supporters and opponents engaged and on the edge of their seats.

And this assassination attempt will only help his campaign.

In fact, there is nothing Biden or his opponents can say or do that will not end up benefiting Trump and might even diminish them at the same time.

Such is the power of this dimension of differentiation.

Which we’ll discuss here and there over the next few weeks.


P.S. Be on the lookout for my free 5 part challenge to stand out and free yourself from stressing and competing on price which will come soon.

P.P.S. I work with information-based service business owners who started the business to have a better life, only to find themselves falling short and then getting frustrated by the broken promises and lack of results when they sought help elsewhere.

That’s when they find me and I show them exactly what path to take when investing their time and money in their business, so they can live the life they want.

We do it through 1;1 consultations, group master round tables and workshops and other collaborations whose insights are 100% tailored to them and which can easily be implemented.

But don’t take my word for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.