“A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man”

– Vito Corleone

Boy that hits in the gut…

Sure.. we’d love to spend more time with the family, but our business takes our time and energy.

The long hours,

dinners at the desk,

the travel, and

the meetings…

We tell ourselves we are doing this for our family …

while we sacrifice our health and spend our valuable time away from the family.

Sure, it sounds wonderful in theory, but we have a business to grow and run.

And we don’t want to hear any more cliches or the guilt trip BS about how we are neglecting those close to us.

This is the sacrifice we are forced to make..

Or is it…?

Could prioritising having dinner every evening with our family force us to build a more valuable business?


…and here are some ways how..

First, it can allow us to take a step back and take a look at the big picture.

We would have a chance to find solutions that would make things more efficient and give us more time in the long run, instead of putting out fires all the time.

The clarity to start delegating work and taking some responsibility off our own shoulders.

Second, spending quality time with our family allows us to de-stress and recharge our batteries.

This gives us a much-needed break from the business that we often do not take.

It can also help us think more clearly and make better business decisions.

We can tackle how we want the sales process to work, or what kind of marketing funnel we want to build.

And eliminate the distractions that rob us of so much time and keep us behind the 8 ball.

Finally, spending time with family can give us perspective on what is truly important in life;

it can provide us with a deeper understanding of our why, which can then inform how we run our businesses.

What do we provide our customers that fulfill their deepest desires or needs? How well are we communicating it?

We can answer those questions and design our service so our clients feel they found what they were missing in their lives, and become passionate and repeat buyers.

And tell all their friends about us.

Crossing the Rubicon

When Julius Caesar crossed it he knew there was no going back.  He had to win victory or die a traitor.

Committing to dinner with our families is our Rubicon.  There is no turning back to constant evenings away toiling at the office.

Instead we have to be victorious.  To smash the obstacles keeping us stuck inside, we needed to focus on what would make our business successful and get rid of the hourly ceiling we had been toiling under.

So yes.. dinner with the children and spouse can be the magic ingredient to building the business of your dreams.

2023 – A Bold Promise.

Give me 30 days and I will prove to you that through our results-driven system, we can scale your business while freeing your time.

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