Imagine your business is going to see a doctor to check how “fit” it is.
The standard will be its value and independence and “sellability.” And the first round of scans and tests to inspect your company’s health would be from a financial perspective.
Think of a sellable business as a sleek, shiny car, not just attractive on the outside but also beneath the hood. Prospective buyers, partners, and investors will all want to see that your machine is running smoothly. But how do you show them that it is?
The key lies in clean and organised financial records. It’s your company’s equivalent of its medical records. Here buyers and investors get to see the financial ups, downs, and everything in between, demonstrating that you are on top of things.
Your heartbeat is the predictability of your revenues and including operating and net income. A steady income source indicates that your business can produce profits regularly, a huge plus point when it comes to sellability.
Don’t forget the importance of cash flow, though. Cash flow is like your business’s blood, keeping everything circulating and functioning correctly. A healthy cash flow shows that you are financially competent and capable of managing expenses while keeping track of income.
And just as stopping the circulation of your blood would kill you, so would your cash flow going to zero. It can kill your business despite the profits it shows on the surface.. which leads us to….
…which is the icing on the cake, indicating that your business is thriving and not just surviving.
Proof of your ability to generate earnings above your costs, and the hallmark of a healthy and appealing business.
But remember, building a premium sellable business means you now own a financially healthy business. A true asset that aligns with your goals, dreams, and aspirations.
Over the next few days, we’ll discuss developing a rockstar team and making your business stand out from the competition. On Tuesday 31 December join us for a presentation on the benefits of owning a sellable business. You can register at the following link:
Thinking About Selling Your Business
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In as little as six months, Socratic Scaling can help you stand out, scale up, and position your company for a premium sale – so you can reap the rewards you deserve.
And best of all, you do not need to sell to enjoy the life-changing rewards and freedom of owning a top sellable business. You can start enjoying those today.
But to successfully sell one day, you have to start preparing from today. Don’t end up like 70% of all Business owners who try to sell and fail – even though many were profitable.
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