One of my first clients (and who helped inspire my business) is the owner of a hair salon who was looking to sell the business in 3 years and do something else.

So we started working together.

When we started his business had previously peaked and was trending downwards over the last few quarters.

And it was too dependent upon him.

So we got to work.

First, we helped him overcome the temptation of trying to grow the business by doing all the styling himself.

Then, we reoriented his view of the business from a guy who does hair styling to an owner of a business whose main KPI was whether he had full or empty seats of stylists working for him.

Finally, his product cross selling was less than 1% so we helped him reorient his processes so that product selling was a natural part of the entire experience.

Two years later he has decided not to sell the business because he doesn’t need to at this time.

The salon is giving him the life he wants.

Specifically, it can run on auto pilot.

He now has the freedom to predominantly base himself in Thailand and only come periodically to Dubai to check in on the salon.

It’s a great success…(although now I have to personally find someone else to do my hair as he was my stylist for 13 years ).

And one of the key strategies he used for his success is the topic of a simple and quick 5 part video stream and quick coffee series you can access for free by clicking here.


P.S. I work with small business owners who started their businesses to create a better life for themselves but now feel stuck. They’ve looked for help before but were let down by empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business and give them the life they want.

Through 1:1 consultations, group meetings, and tailored collaborations, we provide actionable insights that are easy to implement. This helps them increase cash flow, drive up the value of their business, and position themselves for life-changing opportunities.

All they need is the willingness to invest in themselves, take decisive action, and break free from old habits.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources.