I received this email the other day

I’m the CEO & Founder of XXXXXXXX, a boutique book production agency. We’ve been ghostwriting business books for 20+ years.

We took a look at your Linkedin profile and background and think you may have a great story to tell. Ever considered authoring a book? We’ve done very well with other Execs/Founders/C-Suite folks like you.

Would you be interested in building/growing your authority by becoming a published author?

Now this is interesting.

If you look at my linkedin profile, right at the first glance on the profile page is a banner with the book I published – and the headline for it!

There is no confusion here.

So it’s pretty stupid to ask if I would ever consider writing a book.

So the CEO ended up with egg on his face because either he is lying or his team has no clue how to read…. (so why hire them to ghostwrite a book for me)?

But as he is a 20+ year founder, I am giving “Dave” a break.

I bet he had no idea that the “email marketing expert” he hired would send such a ridiculous message in his name and make him look like an idiot.

That said, it is much harder to take him seriously…

which is a shame…

And it’s crazy how one obvious spam email can minimise the brand he worked so hard to build over 20 years.

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