We buried my father this past weekend.

When we went to visit the funereal director a couple of days before to pay her a deposit she refused.

“I don’t do business that way… you pay me after the experience…”

She was confident in delivering that service.

Her own form of No questions asked money back guarantee.

And so we went ahead on Saturday and buried my dad.

And she delivered…. Exceptionally so.

From how my father looked in his open casket (much better than the last months of his life as he wasted away) to the professionalism and looks of the pall bearers.

She somehow made it an amazing experience…. To bury one’s own father because it was done in such a beautiful way that I knew my father would have loved every minute of it.

This woman does not advertise..

She doesn’t need to.

Instead she gets referrals from people dealing with the most painful experiences in their lives.. and she delivers peace of mind … repeatedly.

And it’s an experience and lesson I will apply to all my future business endeavors.