It was interesting watching that train wreck of a debate last Thursday in the US between Biden and Trump.

While everyone is focusing on Biden’s age and mental alertness there is another lesson I took from the debate which applies to all businesses regardless of the owner’s age.

Don’t bring a calculator to a gun fight…”

A political debate is fought over persuasion.

And the most potent weapon in persuasion is the ability to paint a vision of what your life would be like if we were to do A, B, or C.

And visions are not created logically.

Trump gave a masterclass how to paint a vision and reinforce it throughout the entire debate.

Trump’s vision is clear. A strong border. And his imagery painted in your mind what a weak border does.   You could walk away from that debate clear on Trump’s argument why he feels he should get a 2nd term.

Biden gave a masterclass when you try to fight in the persuasion arena and only use statistics and facts to make your case.

And it was brutal to watch.

His vision was as muddled as his answers.

He really gave no coherent vision on why his 2nd term would be even better than his first.

Instead, he relied on pure statistics and tried to rationally argue his case on a stage that is emotional.

And he mixed up the stats and made a hash of it.

What Biden needed to do is paint a vision of the chaos a 2nd Trump administration would bring. The dereliction of duty when the capitol was attacked and the bat s**t crazy ideas during Covid like drinking cleaning fluids.

He needed to paint a vision of the country in greater danger from a deranged narcissist as president than a rapidly declining Octagenarian.

But he did no such thing.

And so Trump won that debate – Big.

And the lesson for us?

When talking to someone about your business

Give a vision of the outcome and transformation they can receive.  Provide the facts so they can justify why they want to click the buy button.


P.S. I work with information-based service business owners who started the business to have a better life, only to find themselves falling short and then getting frustrated by the broken promises and lack of results when they sought help elsewhere.

That’s when they find me and I show them exactly what path to take when investing their time and money in their business, so they can live the life they want.

We do it through 1;1 consultations, group master round tables and workshops and other collaborations whose insights are 100% tailored to them and which can easily be implemented.

But don’t take my word for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.