“Dad be patient.”

So admonished by 4 year old to me while we waited for someone to take our order.

Normally after 10 minutes I would be fidgety..

Now we are on 45 minutes and counting..

But my daughter’s admonishment wasn’t needed..

Because at this moment we were surrounded by an incredible view of the sea and a lovely breeze that was needed after days of stifling heat.

So I sat and relaxed and watched the dysfunction of the staff.

Including the waiter walk right by us to pick up the empty bottles from the table next to us..

An empty table…

And then go back inside and proceed to not return for another 10 minutes.

“Wow.. his priorities are misplaced.. shouldn’t he be taking our order?” observed my wife.

“Yes… and now we can go…..” 

And we left because what better lesson to remind all of us than the lesson to know deep down why your customers want to buy from you and to act on it.

And not be distracted by empty bottles on an empty table…

This lesson is at the core of my 5-Day Challenge that helps you tap into the core desires driving your market. This challenge is designed to show you exactly what motivates your ideal customers to buy and how to act on it for maximum impact.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • 5 short videos – Each video is only 7-12 minutes (with one being 18 minutes), packed with practical exercises and insights.
  • Proven strategies – Learn a 60-year-old marketing secret that has helped my clients transform their businesses. One client even 10x their revenue in just 18 months!
  • Free AccessJoin the challenge at no cost and start seeing results immediately.
  • Exclusive Upgrade – For just $39, upgrade to join our live Zoom calls and take your learning to the next level.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business. Click here to join the challenge now!

Looking forward to seeing you on the inside.


P.S. I work with small business owners who started their businesses to create a better life for themselves but now feel stuck. They’ve looked for help before but were let down by empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business and give them the life they want.

Through 1:1 consultations, group meetings, and tailored collaborations, we provide actionable insights that are easy to implement. This helps them increase cash flow, drive up the value of their business, and position themselves for life-changing opportunities.

All they need is the willingness to invest in themselves, take decisive action, and break free from old habits.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources