Back in 1999, while working for E*TRADE in California, I took a road trip to the American River and the exact spot where James Marshall discovered gold in 1848 and set off the famous California Gold Rush.

When he discovered the gold there was no one really around.

Which meant until the mob found out and swarmed the area… the gold was there for the picking for the few who knew about it.

It was very much like our last Business Value Happy Hour.

A small group of us listened spellbound while one of our peers shared how he not only made a sellable business but made it attractive enough for his management team to beg for equity stakes and pay him 7 figures to get shares.

Shares where he shared equity but retains full control.

Where he remains in the driver’s seat for any subsequent equity sales or even an 8 or 9 figure sale down the road.

He continues to have 100% freedom over where he spends his time while his new partners continue building and growing the day-to-day business.

There was gold in what he shared… but unfortunately many missed it.

Next week we do the Business Value Happy Hours again.

  • Virtually on Tuesday the 7th at 12 PM EST / 5 PM  UK / 9 PM GST
  • Wednesday the 8th live at the Sunken Garden in the Ritz Carlton DIFC from 6-8 PM.

Both are free to attend but you are responsible for your drinks and food at the live event.

Click here to find out more details.

P.S I partner with successful business owners who use my Socratic Success System to step up from the grind, scale faster, boost profits, and build a highly valuable company that thrives without them. This system delivers results now—giving you the freedom to live the life you want today while positioning you for a life-changing exit, on your terms, when you’re ready.

👉 Find out more about the Socratic Success System
👉 Learn more about me here