Yeah I know..  sounds like one of those spam hype promises.

But this really happened.

Last Friday we had our latest Profit and Dine Mastermind.

I led an exercise where I had each participant look over their top 20 products or services and using specific criteria, discover the top 3 they could really grow the business on the back of.

This was the first event for one of the participants and, to say the least, he was dubious.

He had tried numerous other business coaches and consultants in the past.. so why would this be different?

“Hey George, I will need to run in 15 minutes…”

“No worries..  let’s get you in here and you can leave in 15 minutes with at least three good takeaways…

It only took 5 minutes…

5 minutes for this participant to remember that he had a high-ticket item on his books, which he offered to customers, but until then he did not realise how easy it was to scale it.

A high ticket item that is 20x more profitable than his standard service.

And in those 5 minutes he came up with his action plan, which he could implement today.

And in the next 5 minutes we helped him with the positioning and wording of his plan.

And needless to say.. he cancelled the subsequent appointment and stayed with us the entire time.

The ironic thing..

In the beginning he felt he just had a commodity service to offer.

By the end of the meeting, he knew he had all he needed and was ready to scale the business now to the next level.

Oh and that was just one of the breakthroughs in our session today.

At the end he summed up his experience this way..

“George, no one knows or understands the real value of what you bring until they go through something like this today. You need to find a way to let them know…”

Taking his advice to heart I don’t want to limit these life changing insights to just people who can join us live in Dubai for Profit and Dine events.

So starting on the 19th of March I’m launching an online version of this mastermind for business owners around the world.

Our mission: provide the clarity and tools needed to cut through the nonsense and truly elevate your business. To find those hidden opportunities that are just waiting for you to grab them.

To tap into the collective wisdom, experience, and support of like-minded individuals from anywhere in the world so you can collaborate, grow and achieve real results.

Sure you will miss out on the four-course menu of our in-person Profit and Dine events, but you will still gain the practical and powerful insights from a community focused on helping you succeed – and not on using you to make a quick sale.

So sign up here for our 19th of March Mastermind launch. It will be at 11 AM EST / 3 PM GMT / 7 PM GST.

There is a nominal fee to attend USD $26.40 or AED 97. This is to keep away the freebie seekers, discount zombies, time wasters and others who would clutter the experience and dilute the value of what we provide you.