The Guru was laying it on.

We can get you 1,000 leads and drive your customer acquisition costs down.”

His listener, to his credit, wasn’t buying any of it.

How can you promise you can get me 1,000 leads when you  know little to nothing about who my customers are and who I want to speak with.”

And then I piped in.

Sorry to interrupt, but if this guy has no idea who your customers are, that means he has little to no idea of where they come from and what their Lifetime Value to you would be. Which makes any talk about Customer Acquisition Costs Bull S***.

Guru was not impressed and walked away..

I thought about this story when I received some of the reactions to my Friday post.

Which is about something we all know deep in our hearts.  Quality trumps Quantity – especially if your time is valuable to you and you don’t want to waste it on 1,000 leads more useless than a squirt gun during a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean.

But this is the trap set for many of us.

Especially when it comes to marketing and selling.

Think about it 

Imagine you had 10 customers… 8 that would pay you $500 and 2 that would pay you $50,000.

But you had to interview each prospect for an hour to find out whether they pay $500 or $50,000, or often nothing at all.

Then some Jack  A** comes and offers to give you 1,000 leads for $2,000. So 1,000 leads x 1 hour each or nearly 42 days to find the needle in the haystack. 

Or Professional Expert offers to give you 10 highly qualified leads for $10,000, where the source of these leads is predominately the same places your $50,000 customers come from.

Where would you invest?

Which would be more valuable?

It’s a simple example, but highlights why we started the Owners Club to stop the nonsense and give SME owners the clarity to ignore the garbage.  Once you are a member, take a peek at the course The Key Asset to Drive your Profits 5x Higher.

If you are not a member: Click here to join us for free and start a journey to make your business start working and pay you for the freedom you deserve.


P.S. I work with business owners who feel overwhelmed by the business they built and are desperate to find a way out of their dilemma—whether that’s selling, stepping back from daily operations, or simply gaining control of their lives again.

Through my Socratic Success System, we optimise cash flow, boost the value of their company, and give them the freedom they’ve been craving.

Instead of vague ideas and empty promises, they discover solutions tailored to their needs—allowing them to effortlessly implement real, lasting changes that transform their business – and lives.

But don’t take my word for it. Come to and check out our different services and resources.

You can also find out more about me and what I do by clicking my LinkTree.