
Ever try to sell at the same time as everyone else?

It’s not a ticket to financial freedom

It’s usually an express ticket to death and bankruptcy by a thousand cuts …

Not to mention the stress and anxiety thrown in for “fun”.

And yet, that is the market many older business owners will face when they decide it’s time to retire and sell the business to fund their retirement.

In the US, for example, more than 50% of business owners will retire in the next 10 years, and many of them have businesses that their children do not want.

And even worse..  many of these businesses, though profitable, are no more than well-paying jobs that disappear with the owner when he exits… so the business itself has no value.

Unfortunately for the 7 out of 10 business owners who find themselves in this predicament, trying to set up the business to sell on the fly is not something you can throw together in a few weeks.

It takes years.

So think about it for a second..

If you are in your 50s or older…. And your business is your retirement plan…you’re setting yourself up to trying to sell ice to a bunch of bat s**t penguins.

That’s not a retirement plan…

It’s insanity and it’s right around the corner.

Closer to us today than Y2k, the London Olympics, or even Trump’s first election.

So how do you ensure you’re not in Frozen 3?

Start from now by building a business that is an asset not a job.

A business that gives you the freedom you seek today and the security when you decide it’s time to exit.

But you won’t get it by sitting on you’re a**.

Reach out to me and let’s have a chat to see if you can escape from building snowmen in your future.

Book a 15 minute no obligation no sale call here.


P.S. I work with overworked and frustrated business owners who looked for help but received just empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business and get the life they want.

Instead of just ideas and tactics, we discover together actionable insights that can be easily implemented to generate more money, make the business more valuable and position you to capture these life-changing opportunities.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources.