Sophiall Free Resources

Sophiall Free Resources

I always like to ask business owners why they started their business? 

What drove them to make the sacrifices and take the risks?

I started mine because I wanted two things:


To create and run a business the way I always wanted. Building valuable long-term relationships with the customers I want. Instilling a culture of empowering and treating employees with dignity. Ultimately, working when and where I want.


For the time, money and sacrifices I made to conceive, grow and ultimately sell the business. No more putting up with a boss or office politics.

How about you?  What drives you as an entrepreneur?

Why do we help owners build valuable and independent companies?

Because it's WRONG to spend the years and make the sacrifices to build a profitable business, only to get nothing or little in return when you look to sell.

The statistics are sobering:

Graph of 3 pie charts showing 70% of 100 companies don't make it to market.  30% make to to market but 5% overall end up selling at a premium

Stop Sacrificing your Time and Start Building your Future

Useful Resources

Feel free to browse the site and download any of these FREE helpful EBooks we have available from our partners at BuiltToSell Inc.

The Freedom Point

This step by step guide helps you place your business in the context of your overall financial goals. Are you at the point you could sell your business and live the rest of your life as you wish? If not, where do you have to grow your company to get there? This Ebook offers a simple methodology you can apply to reach financial independence.

The Exit Checklist

When you look to exit, you have to be able to answer two questions to make it successful and to have no regrets. 1) Is YOUR BUSINESS ready for you to exit, and 2) Are YOU ready to exit? This Ebook has a five-step action plan to help you address Question 2 and have a happy and lucrative exit from your business.

The Rainmakers Dilemna

Almost 50% of all businesses fall into the same trap – Heavy reliance upon the owner who is the primary revenue driver for the company. This book helps you avoid this trap by helping you transition from being the “Rainmaker” to the “Arthitect” of your Business.

Famous or Rich

Find out how some business owners were able to drive up the value and ultimately selling price of their business by prioritising building value over personal recognition.

How to Productise your Service in 8 Simple Steps

Find out how you can transform your service business so it is less reliant upon you and ultimately more scalable. The EBook details an 8 step approach to productise your services by breaking them down into a series of steps and packaging them into a tangible offering.

8 Ways to Reinvent Yourself title in a crisis..

8 Ways to Reinvent Yourself in a Crisis

Case studies of other business owners who recovered from a crisis with stronger, more durable and ultimately more valuable companies.

Useful Surveys

How Ready is your Business to Sell

Measure the Value and Independence of your Business
Compare you business with how over 60,000 other companies have scored on 8 key drivers of Business Value

How Financially Prepared are you for an Exit?

What is your Financial Freedom Point?
Could you financially afford to retire today? Where do you need to grow your company to be able to retire with the lifestyle you want?

Can you Exit without Regrets?

Are you Mentally Ready to Exit?
75% of owners regret the sale of their companies. Do not understimate the mental aspects of exiting your Business. Can you do so without regrets?

Building Business Value Blogs

sisyphus pushing up rock with volcano exploding behind.
Business Value

The Rock that is Weighing You Down in your Business

Every business owner carries a weight. Some wear it like a badge of honor, convinced it’s just part of the grind. Others don’t even realize it’s holding them back. But there comes a moment when you have to ask—am I actually moving forward, or just pushing the same rock uphill over and over again?
I met someone recently trapped in this cycle. His story might sound familiar.

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George staning next to obsrevation point overlooking Navarino Bay
Business Value

The One Business Truth You Can’t Avoid

Most business owners focus on growth, but very few think about this one thing—until it’s too late.
And to it bluntly: This one thing is 100% guaranteed that it will happen to you. The only question is how and on whose terms.

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Painting of a dead parrot next to a cash register in a Pet Shop.
Business Value

The Dead Parrot and the Business Sale Gone Wrong

There’s one mistake business owners make that sabotages their ability to sell—a mistake that can cost them millions.
It’s 100% within their control, yet most don’t even realize they’re making it.
And somehow, a dead parrot explains exactly why.
Sounds ridiculous? Maybe. But if you plan to sell your business one day, you’ll want to hear this story first.

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True Freedom comes from Owning a Business that is Valuable, Scalable, and "Sellable".

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