I was at a networking event the other night that was prematurely outside.

IN other words.. here in Dubai still hot and humid even though it’s mid-October.

That said…there was some entertainment…

The Networking Robot was back…

This particular Indian guy who loves these events and spends his time latching on to every participant and asking them if they “know what taxes are..”

(And yes.. that is exactly the question he asks to open the conversation)…

And regardless of your answer…

He dives into a 20 minute verbal diarrheic explanation of all the departments and all the functions his employer does around business formation, taxation, registration, and heck I think even who cleans the cars in the parking lot.

After one minute, the victims eyes are darting left and right for a lifeline of any sort.

But the other attendees have already made a clear space away…

They know the robot…

They don’t want the robot to notice them ..

Especially if the robot recognizes them from a previous event and treats them like a long-lost brother or sister.

They say a top-Level NFL Quarterback can survey a field find his receivers and get rid of the ball in a couple of seconds before he gets buried in a sack.

I’d argue that is a garden party compared to being cornered by the Robot…

And the robot sells.. features.. and more features.. and more facts..

And the victim’s brain panics….

Will they ever escape the robot?

And will they be the same afterwards…

And can they ever do their taxes again?

Thankfully we have no robots on the Owner’s Table.

Just real conversations with real business owners for real solutions to real problems.

You can grab your invite to sit at the table here