Yesterday I spoke about the amazing experience we had with Dr. Vito and his practice Vets and Pets.

Today I will tell you about the opposite experience we had with a Vet practice that I cannot name (due to UAE law which is strict on naming and shaming).

But I will tell you my observations of that practice.

First, this was a few years ago and we left them right afterwards and pretty much found very good vets afterwards but for one reason or another we moved on from them and eventually found Dr. Vito.

But back to the Dog Poo Show that was this Vet office I’m about to tell you about.

The year we left was when they nearly killed the dog and when the state of the practice itself should have raised the red flag for us to get out of there.

When we walked into that Vet practice, the first thing that hit you was the smell of Dog mixed with humid hot air.

The second was the dust and hair on the floor.

The third thing was we were told to go to a waiting room and sit and wait for our turn.

I sat down, leaned back in the chair and while holding the dog went to take out my phone and check messages while waiting.

The dog sat at my feet, anxious but close by.

And then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye..

A tick was running across the chair next to me towards me and the dog.

We jumped up and stepped back from the chair.

That is when I noticed 3 more ticks running on the wall by the chair.

The dog is white so I looked at her to see if anything moving..

Nothing but we got out of the room and I ran to tell the office assistant.

The vet was standing there and so I told her.

“come she said.. “ and took us to another room to prepare the dog for the vaccinations.

As for the ticks?   No one cared.  No urgency to get in there and take care of the issue.

A huge red flag for us to walk out but we didn’t…

And so we stayed, and they ended up giving her vaccines from some **it hole company.

And 12 hours later, she was swollen and could barely breathe. We had to rush back to their “emergency” department for the steroids to calm her down.

Oh and we had to pay an “emergency” bill for their screw up.

And so we never stepped foot in there again.

You think Sales Choreography doesn’t matter?

It became our measuring stick afterwards and we have had no repeat problems since.

If you want to discuss this further with fellow business owners, we have two upcoming events for you:

If you are in Dubai 4 April: Click this link to attend our next Profit and Dine Mastermind where there is music…

Anywhere in the globe, come join us by clicking this link to attend our first Online Mastermind on 2 Arpil.


My name is George Sotiropoulos

I give you clarity to build a business for the life you want.

Find out more by clicking here for different services and resources.

P.S. My Book Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore: 10 Roadblocks Holding You Back From The Freedom You Deserve From Your Business is now available in paperback and Kindle on and other Amazon stores.

In the UAE, you can order the paperback directly from me by clicking here.