Slowing down I brought the car to a stop

Put the blinkers on

And prayed no one was going to rear end me on the freeway whose speed limit was 140km

The body lay in front of me.. half clothed and desecrated by the impact that had launched him from the smashed car on the shoulder

It didn’t need further abuse from a car running it over

So I stopped and guarded it until the policeman came, put a bedsheet on the person and waved me to move on.

For the next hour I drove in silence thinking of that man and his family.

A morning that started like any other morning was going to change for them with a phone call that I knew would be coming shortly

It made me realise something: we can’t control when life throws us the unexpected.
But we can control how prepared we are when it happens.

I get it

Most of us live like we’ll always have tomorrow. Like nothing will ever happen to us.

But what if it did?

  • Would your family know what to do next?
  • Would the people depending on you—your business, employees, or customers—be left scrambling?
  • Are you ready … right now… to handle what life throws at you… or seize the opportunities that only come to those prepared?

If this has been on your mind, I’ve put together something special for you: The Free Community for Business Owners – The Owners Club.

Inside, you’ll find resources designed specifically to help business owners like you:

  • Build a business that runs smoothly without relying on you.
  • Create systems that let your business grow and thrive, no matter what life throws your way.

It’s the smartest way to plan for the unpredictable—and make sure your business works for you, not the other way around.

Click here to join The Owners Club now—it’s free.

Because the best time to prepare isn’t after the phone call. It’s before.