
“We get you a 10x on ROAS.”

“And?” – I replied.

I wasn’t being a jerk.

But what this guy was so proud about is only a partial picture.

And it drives me up the wall because so many business owners are led down expensive paths to chase partial picture metrics.

I had spent a fortune on marketing Kool Aid and the results were crickets…

Now I’m not having a go at Return on Ad Spend…. But only within the proper context.

But often the proper context isn’t fully provided.

And so people sink a lot of money into “optimising” this metric.

But it’s the wrong metric to base your investments without the full context.

It’s like flying a plane with the altimeter working but no fuel gage.

Let me put it this way.

Let’s say I have two types of prospects and I have $1,000 to invest in Advertising.  One type I can convert him for $500 and the other for $50.

Where should I invest my advertising and why?

The correct answer by the way is .. “Not enough information” because you’re missing one key metric.

A metric that we explore fully in our upcoming Profit and Dine sessions on the 29th of October.

A session where you will walk away with an understanding of this metric and actionable steps to capture and measure it.

And to finally have the compass of where to invest your time and money to drive up your profits and cash flow.

You can join us by signing up through this link.

The morning session is in Dubai and live face to face from 9-10:30 AM.  The Zoom session is in the evening Dubai Time (8-9:30 PM) and Noon EST.


P.S. I work with business owners who feel overwhelmed by the business they built and are desperate to find a way out of their dilemma—whether that’s selling, stepping back from daily operations, or simply gaining control of their lives again.

Through my Socratic Success System, we optimise cash flow, boost the value of their company, and give them the freedom they’ve been craving.

Instead of vague ideas and empty promises, they discover solutions tailored to their needs—allowing them to effortlessly implement real, lasting changes that transform their business -and lives.

But don’t take my word for it. Come to Sophiall.com and check out our different services and resources.

You can also find out more about me and what I do by clicking my LinkTree.