It was one of those days.

My eldest daughter has been throwing up all night and the younger sister fell out of her bed and started crying.

When I went to the younger sister to try to comfort her she violently waved me away and screamed loudly for Mama

And she was inconsolable.

Now she didn’t hurt herself, because she literally rolled off the mattress onto another mattress which is on the floor, because this is kind of a common occurrence for her.

But all she wanted was her mom.

Who was her entire world at that moment.

And it struck me that what I was witnessing from a two-year-old was an extreme example of loyalty. A brand loyalty if you want to call it.

Now think about it.

I was there right next to her. I could easily just have picked her up, put her on the bed.

I was there to hug her and to hold her …

But she wanted nothing to do with her dad.

Now we have a great relationship so there’s nothing about me personally, but she just wanted her mom.

And in business, this is the highest form of loyalty.

Where your customers only want you regardless of whether someone else can fix or solve whatever is bothering them at the moment.

But they only want it from you … and the way that you do it.

Ben Settle, a top US email marketer calls this “World Building.” And it makes sense.

Build a special world for your customers and then you have a business that is unstoppable. Where price is not a factor or competition cannot easily get in.

And so you build a bright future for yourself.

Now in the case of my daughter, I hope this phase does shift. It would kind of suck if I can never get a hug out of her.

But that said I did love seeing that fierce love for her mom and I hope that you’re able to get that fierce loyalty from your customers.

After a successful BETA launch in October we are rolling out the 6 Week Roadblocks Advisory Service to all our readers starting in January.

In this guided Mastermind and Hot Seat sessions gain the CLARITY to CONFIDENTLY:

  • Set YOUR Prices: to reflect the value of what you provide and fuel your growth. No more suffering at the mercy of Discount Zombies and being squeezed by the Cheap Price Python Crowd.
  • Stand out in a crowded market. Communicate clearly with your best customers and prospects to encourage them to buy from you. No more being ignored or worse misunderstood.
  • Reclaim Your Time: Rise above day-to-day operations and focus on tasks that truly matter for your business’s growth.
  • Reignite the Passion for your Business – Implement systems and assemble teams that let your business flourish, minimizing your hands-on involvement and maximizing profits.
  • And Much more… Dive into various aspects crucial for business growth

Our sessions span approximately 90 to 120 minutes each week, discussing specific chapters of my book “10 Roadblocks that Keep you Trapped Inside your Business” and how you can implement to unlock the opportunities in your business.

Seats are limited to ensure quality interactions.

Interested in joining? Simply email me at with the subject MASTERMIND and we will put you on the list for January.

To your Success and Sanity,