“.. And we’ll just have the Presidents Emcee the event.”

“…. Umm why?”

In a nutshell there were two cultures colliding in this simple conversation.

One was a very top-down hierarchical culture. Where the person organising a joint event had no real autonomy or say how it should be done. Where they had to go back to their leadership team on every decision.

On the other side, was someone from an egalitarian merit-based culture. This person thought it was nonsense to assign the Emcee function solely on the basis of a ceremonial role, not on the basis of expertise or knowledge of the event and its execution. This person had 100% autonomy over the event and only checked the date and time to ensure that there were no conflicts with anything else.

Both were part of the same social business membership organisation.

Both were volunteers.

But both were operating in very different cultures.

And then, just 3 days before the event, the Hierarchy group pulled out.

And did so by not informing the organiser but another leader on the organiser’s local group, who was just as surprised at such a request as the organiser.

Now to make a long story short.. the organiser ended up opening the opportunity to others who were a much better fit for the event.

Now was the hierarchy group made of “bad people” – No.

But they highlighted the limitations and bad decisions that result from a heavy top-down culture.

The lesson for business owners is that when you delegate, you either delegate to a team you trust to get the job done, or you don’t delegate at all.

If you don’t trust them, you have the wrong team. If you trust them and still can’t delegate, then you may have the wrong attitude.

Either way it’s something you have to fix before dreaming about growing and building a highly valuable business.

After a successful BETA launch in October we are rolling out the 6 Week Roadblocks Advisory Service to all our readers starting in January. 


In this guided Mastermind and Hot Seat sessions gain the CLARITY to CONFIDENTLY:

  • Delegate: So you can grow into your role as an Owner and become a builder rather than a firefighter.
  • Set YOUR Prices: to reflect the value of what you provide and fuel your growth. No more suffering at the mercy of Discount Zombies and being squeezed by the Cheap Price Python Crowd.
  • Stand out in a crowded market. Communicate clearly with your best customers and prospects to encourage them to buy from you. No more being ignored or worse misunderstood.
  • Reclaim Your Time:  Rise above day-to-day operations and focus on tasks that truly matter for your business’s growth.
  • Reignite the Passion for your Business – Implement systems and assemble teams that let your business flourish, minimizing your hands-on involvement and maximizing profits.
  • And Much more… Dive into various aspects crucial for business growth

Our sessions span approximately 90 to 120 minutes each week, discussing specific chapters of my book “10 Roadblocks that Keep you Trapped Inside your Business” and how you can implement to unlock the opportunities in your business.

Seats are limited to ensure quality interactions.

Interested in joining? Simply hit reply and express your interest for our January launch.


P.P.S. My Book Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore: 10 Roadblocks Holding You Back From The Freedom You Deserve From Your Business is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com and other Amazon stores (If you are in the UAE click on this link).