20 seconds into her elevator speech I knew that Christy was in over her head.

She was a young and attractive Entrepreneur in her 20s but her promise to everyone in the room was that she could do everything related to the marketing.

And I mean everything.

People tuned her out because they’re not interested in someone who claims they can  do everything but rather they wanted someone who could do the one thing they needed… Superbly.

Within three months I saw that she was now into a new career as a party planner.

Almost all of us make or have made the same mistake Christy made.

We suffer under the curse of knowledge.

We know we can help people in several areas and so we assume they want that from us.

Additionally, we assume everyone knows what we’re talking about, and they are at the place where we think they should be.

In reality they’re not and so our messages fly over their head.

 It’s a shame because many in the audience are potential customers but we need to reach them where there at and to resonate with what they need.

Which is at the heart of our 5 part sprint to leveraging a 60 year marketing secret to attract and keep the customers that can transform your business and your life.

You can sign up here for the free membership to access this course and others.


P.S. I work with small business owners who feel overworked, frustrated and stuck. They’ve looked for help before but have been let down by empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business to give them the life they want.

Instead of more ideas and tactics, we provide actionable insights they can easily implement to generate more cash, make their business more valuable, and position themselves to capture those life-changing opportunities.

They just need to be willing to invest in themselves, take decisive action, and break free from old habits.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources.