“The fortune is in the follow up”

When I first met Tracey Currell at an intial Zoom call towards the end of 2022 that was the key message she imparted to me.

I was exploring Introbiz UK and I became a member on the spot – even though I live in Dubai and it’s predominately a UK networking group.

Her philosophy was simple and it resonated.

It’s not about selling to the people in the room but finding out how you can help others – and then doing so.

And the follow up.  The initial communication, exchange of numbers but then the follow up conversation to get to know the other person better.

Not the selling…

Not the throw my business cards to everyone I see and see how many stick..

I contrast that with some networking events I attended where I felt like a chocolate chip cooked dropped in front of a room of hungry 6 year olds.

The shuffling of business cards, the constant selling, the business equivalent of the worst single bar meat markets you can imagine, are all giving networking a bad name.

But when done right it’s magical.

It’s why I brought Bx to Dubai this past October.

Why I renewed with my fellow BNI falcon members.

And why I was delighted when Tracey generously offered to discuss Networking and how to do it properly at our Sophiall Profit and Dine Workshop and Cigar Experience Mastermind on Wednesday the 24th of April.

This not only allows us to offer an amazing double-header of business development, but also gives people in Dubai the opportunity to experience networking away from high-pressure souk market events to something more natural and enjoyable.

Come meet Tracey in person as she will be doing the evening 7-9 pm session with Jan and his Cigar experience.

The Mastermind begins at 4 pm with Effective Delegation on Wednesday the 24th April at the Deck Restaurant in the Palm.

Find out more details and register by clicking here at the link to join us.


My name is George Sotiropoulos

 I’ll give you the clarity to confidently make decisions and investments that drive your business forward and give you the life you want.  

But don’t take my work for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.