Owning a business can be pretty lonely.

Friends, family, ex colleagues.. unless they own and run a business (or have done so in the past) cannot really understand.

 The decisions you have to make constantly and not knowing often for days, months, or even years if that decision was the “right” one.

So one can be a lonely number…

Dan Kennedy famously has a rule that the number one can also be the most dangerous number in your business.

Because if you rely on one supplier, one customer, or even one key employee than you might have a business the disappears in a flash.

Think of business owners who have lost 7 figure busineses that relied on facebook and then some troll got offended by what they said, complained and de-platformed them.

Or many other businesses which relied on a key employee who left and the company went down the drain.

Or a key customer who decided they wanted “to go in a different direction.”.

It’s common sense but very easy to fall in the trap of one.. especially if you are “alone” with no one to bounce ideas or help you navigate the pitfalls.

Which is why we started the Sophiall Monthly Mastermind program.  This addresses both “ones’ in the same place. 

No more being lonely as you have a supportive network of your peers around you.

Protection against your business being held hostage because the insights and connections you gain will help you build the relationships to avoid the danger of 1.

To find out more and avoid the danger of 1…. Just click the one link below. Haah 

To your success and sanity,



My name is George Sotiropoulos

 I’ll give you the clarity to confidently make decisions and investments that drive your business forward and give you the life you want.  

But don’t take my work for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.