We met five times in the proof-of-concept trial I held for Sophiall.


Except for a Starbucks a couple of times, we would meet for drinks in the evening, talk about his business, and go through the learning portal and other modules.


We met in the evenings because he had a full-time job in addition to helping his wife run the business. And this full-time office was 150 km away so couldn’t meet during the morning or day.


We finished our meetings, and he went ahead and implemented what we taught.


After a year we reconnected this past week.


His results from what we accomplished together:


Revenue $0.5 million Grew 5X to $2.5 million per year.


Profit (tripled) to $0.5 million.


Business Value Estimate:  Doubled to $2.1 million.


What was the accelerant to his growth?



Clarity on where to focus and where to ignore.


Clarity on the opportunities to identify and puruse.


Clarity on who they were and what they offered.


And now they get ready for the next chapter in their professional and private lives.


How about you?


Do you have the clarity to accelerate your business and capture the life you want?


To Your Success and Sanity,





Master your pricing, accelerate your business growth, increase its value and sleep better at night.


The game plan for our hands on Pricing Mastery and Business Acceleration Advisory Workshop scheduled for 5 December at 11 am EST / 4 PM UK / 8 PM GST.


Our mastermind is the guide you’ve been searching for. 


No more leaving money at the table when you use our guide and tools for powerful and effective pricing. 


Practical tools that you can implement immediately to change your business and your life.


Join us and step boldly onto the path of pricing mastery.


Click here to reserve a spot.


P.P.S.  My Book Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore: 10 Roadblocks Holding You Back From The Freedom You Deserve From Your Business is now available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon.com and other Amazon stores. 

In the UAE, you can order the paperback directly from my by clicking this link.