
Where are these buyers who will pay for this amazing company I built and reward me for all the hard work and sacrifices I have made?

Sam was frustrated.

It seeped through every sentence he uttered and in his body language – whether standing or sitting.

You could almost feel your own blood pressure and anxiety rise in sympathy with what he was constantly feeling.

The customers were annoying.

The suppliers were jerks

The employees were morons.

“It’s just easier if I do it myself… they will just screw it up anyways..”

At home things weren’t much better.

He missed his son’s football match that he promised all week he would attend.

A critical client had called and demanded his attention to fix an issue with what his company delivered and everyone had already gone home.

Because it was past Friday at 4 pm.

When he got home that evening … everyone was in bed..  his dinner was in the bin and the couch had been prepared for him to sleep.

Which was why he kept rubbing his neck because he had been exiled there a few days.

“I just want to sell and tell everyone to F-off” he finally sighed.

“What could I get for it…?”

“Sam, let me ask you a question.

“How much money would you sink in an investment that works you to the bone day and night, exiles you from your marriage bed, and consumes every hour under a beautiful blue sky with you inside dealing with jerks, morons, and annoying clients?

How much would you pay for the privilege?”

Sam understood and I could visibly see the fight dissipate from his body…. Not good.

“Sam, ask yourself instead… What am I willing to invest so that my business is attractive? That I can fall in love with it again. That both customers and investors will want and desire it?”

And I’m not talking about throwing money at it…

And so the ball is in Sam’s court to make the first step.

Because you can lead a horse to water… but it has to take the step to drink…

Sam perked up…

“So… where do I start?”


P.S. I work with overworked and frustrated business owners who looked for help but received just empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business and get the life they want.

Instead of just ideas and tactics, we discover together actionable insights that can be easily implemented to generate more money, make the business more valuable and position you to capture these life-changing opportunities.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources.