Did you know that the average NFL Quarterback often has only 2 – 3 seconds to throw the ball until he is literally buried under 150-300 kg+ of tacklers.

In those 2-3 seconds he has to span a 100×53 yards (91x49m) field and see which of his 3, 4 or even 5 receivers will be open to catch the ball before he gets hit and has his face planted in the ground.

So it’s critical to protect the Quarterback and give him the maximum time possible.

And the way to that is to build a wall of human bodies in front of him who block, push, and shove defenders away from the Quarterback until he can find his target and throw the ball.

These human bodies are his Offensive Linemen.

And they can make or break a Quarterback’s day, career or even life by how well they do their jobs.

If they are inept or quit.. it’s a long painful day indeed…

And it would be suicide for the Quarterback to go out there alone with no blockers and try to play.

Like most business owners.

Who compete on the field of business all alone – with no lineman to block for them.

Who face problems and challenges and spend time reinventing a wheel that has been created and spun elsewhere for ages.

They get battered, bruised and do faceplants more times than they can count.

But the good news is that they do not have to do this anymore.

Sophiall’s Mastermind is designed to build a network of advisors around you from your fellow business owners.

Who have often been there.. or done that.. and who are in a community with one purpose.

To help you and everyone else in the community succeed.

By sharing best practices, spotlighting each other, and coming together to focus and tackle a business owner’s challenge through the hotseat.

Sign up for our Online Mastermind that will run every month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. (You can lock in a 50% Founders Grandfathered lifetime rate if you sign up before 11:59 PM GMT on the 25th January (use code “BLOCK34”).

For those of you in Dubai, Come attend our kickoff Profit and Dine Mastermind next Thursday 25th January at the Deck Restaurant in the Palm from 5-7 PM with pre-event networking available from 4 PM.   Sign up here for the Profit and Dine Mastermind.



Tired of feeling alone when driving your business? Grow faster and better while gaining a competitive advantage through the insights and experiences of a specific community of like-minded business owners. 

Get the “Entrepreneurial GPS” that keeps you from getting lost and wasting your time and money.

Here are our upcoming Masterminds, Workshops and Advisory Sessions and the links you can select to find out more and sign up.

22 January “Roadblocks you Can’t Ignore” Part 2 Delegation:

25 January Sophiall Profit and Dine Mastermind (Live Mastermind Dinner in Dubai)

26 January “Are you Charging What You’re Worth?” Encore

29 January “Roadblocks you Can’t Ignore” Part 3 Pricing:

5 February “Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore” Part 4 Scaling and Fast Growth:

6 February “Pricing Mastery and Business Acceleration Workshop

13 February Sophiall Monthly Mastermind Online Launch

20 February “Are You Charging What You’re Worth” Encore