“Bring him on…”

Replied Adam, a web developer when told by a prospect he could find another website developer for much cheaper on Fiverr.

“And let me ask you one thing…  In your business how much do you earn reaching out and speaking to your customers and prospects versus spending your time learning and creating all the details of your website?”

“what do you mean?”

“Well why do you think this person offers such a cheap deal on websites? How do you think he will execute the project? At that rate, how can he possibly meet your time deadline within the fee he quoted?  …”

“Because he lives in a cheap 3rd world country and so has lower costs to cover compared to you…”

“Sure he has lower costs but tell me how does he make his money? How does he earn enough to live and have a business?”


“Exactly ..  and by volume that means he has to churn standard websites frequently and quickly to keep his head out of the water which means your own website will get commoditised and by extension so will you…

“Unless of course you give him the exact details, step by step, line by line, page by page breakout you want…

“that means hours spent on DIY design and development as he executes whatever decisions you pass down to him … and you are accountable now for supervising and ensuring the website is done to your specifications…

“dinner time will be spent googling best websites in your industry so you can get ideas to share with him….and back and forth you negotiate with him to get that stuff in… but that’s stuff he hasn’t done before and so he either refuses or does it poorly..

“now you have a website getting delayed and day by day looking worse than your competition and taking up more of your time…

“Time you could have spent building deeper relationships with your customers and attracting new ones.. or creating partnerships and finding opportunities .. .

“in short.. time you could have spent building your business instead of editing broken English on a cookie cutter web page…

“So sure..  if that sounds worth it then I recommend you hire him now as he is cheap…”

But if you want it done right, in one shot, on time and incorporating my 20+ years in delivering websites that keep my customers coming back and referring others.. than click this payment link and we can get started…”

What would you choose?

This Wednesday is our live Differentiation and Dinner Workshop in Dubai, where you escape competition in terms of price by identifying what makes your market tick and creating and communicating the best solutions to attract them.

You can find out more details by clicking here.


P.S. I work with information-based service business owners who started the business to have a better life, only to find themselves falling short and then getting frustrated by the broken promises and lack of results when they sought help elsewhere.

That’s when they find me and I show them exactly what path to take when investing their time and money in their business, so they can live the life they want.

We do it through 1;1 consultations, group master round tables and workshops and other collaborations whose insights are 100% tailored to them and which can easily be implemented.

But don’t take my word for it, find out more by clicking here to check out our different services and resources.