My friend is in the middle of a negotiation with the bank on some financing.

Yesterday he had a productive discussion with the bank and they agreed to touch base on Friday with further updates and adjustments.

Today, a different guy called and wanted to be the face of the negotiation – which made no sense as my friend had no real connection with him and in fact found him abrasive.

He started lecturing him on processes and systems and how they assign negotiators.

My friend hung up on him and spoke to the person he connected with to keep the negotiations on track.

Sometimes processes and systems -when poorly thought out and executed can actually be counterproductive.

And are even much worse when the people on the other end are outsourced and culturally obtuse.

As an owner you want to create these, but you want to ensure they reflect the values and style of how you wish to interact with your customers and others.

That gives you satisfied, loyal and repeat customers.

Which gives you higher predictability, profits and ultimately value in your business.

What does that mean?

Peace of mind and freedom in running your business.

Sometimes it’s that simple.


P.S. I work with small business owners who feel overworked, frustrated and stuck. They’ve looked for help before but have been let down by empty promises and no results.

That’s when they find me. I guide them on exactly how to invest their time and money to transform their business to give them the life they want.

Instead of more ideas and tactics, we provide actionable insights they can easily implement to generate more cash, make their business more valuable, and position themselves to capture those life-changing opportunities.

They just need to be willing to invest in themselves, take decisive action, and break free from old habits.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out more by clicking my LinkTree to check out my different services and resources.