When we buried my father in Greece last Saturday one of the guests was a friend and client.

He made a last minute booking at an exorbitant price so he can make the funeral.

And then stayed a few extra days later to pursue his hobby and passion of buying and flipping properties in that region of Greece.

As we sat together during the dinner we talked about many things including his upcoming travels and plans for the summer.

What we didn’t talk about …

  • What would happen to his business in his absence
  • Why he wasn’t checking his phone constantly just in case he missed something
  • Lack of calls from clients needing his attention.
  • Urgent crisis calls and questions from staff to pester him.

Why didn’t we discuss these?

Because they are not an issue for him.

You see he owns a business that works for him.

Gives him the lifestyle and status he wants

And it’s not luck.. nor a silver spoon he was born with.

It’s a business that he built from the ground up with a great deal of hard work and sacrifice.

But it’s a business that he then ensured would work for him and not the other way around.

And you can too

But you need to know where to start

Which is what we discuss in our free Owners Club Portal.  You can find out more and signup here.

P.S. I’m not the “systems guy”, process guy” or the “finance guy”. I’m the “start living your best life today” guy, where you grow a business that gives you freedom now and lets you exit on your own terms later.

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