Ever see a child in a totally chaotic environment with no rules or discipline?

You’d think they’d love it.

Clown around. Throw Things. Paint the cat…

In fact, it’s often the opposite.

They become scared and insecure.

Anxious and bratty.


Because they have nothing to trust and no foundation.

And even though we learn to become independent as we get older… the anxiety around lack of trust still lingers.

… and explains much of business today.

People do business with people they trust.

And if you want people to trust you and do business with you, you need to build trust.

You might be thinking to yourself: “YAWN!!!!!…. very obvious….

… ZZZZ….”

But yet, it’s the reason prospects don’t call you… or clients become ghosts.

The trust isn’t where it needs to be.

Where the prospect can become a customer.

Where they understand your product or service and feel comfortable to invest their time and money with you.

So where do you start?….

Be Clear and Transparent About Pricing and Terms of Service

Are your terms of service easy to understand or more complicated than figuring out why your toddler is having her 12th tantrum on the floor today?

As for prices, don’t be embarrassed to charge the full value of what your solution provides… but be clear about it.

And don’t apologise.

Because, if you are clear about how much a client has to invest in your services, including easy to understand terms, they are more likely to invest in what you are offering if they feel it’s the right solution.

And they won’t feel taken advantage of.

Clear, direct, and consistent pricing helps build trust with your customers as well as encourages them to come back for future purchases.

Don’t become like the US airlines and start picking your customers’ pockets with hidden fees and surprises.

It will turn them off and you will be seen as both a waste of money and time.

Value Your Customer’s Time

Nobody likes feeling pressured or rushed into making a purchase.

Do that, and you might make the sale – temporarily – until their buyers remorse brings a refund in the best situation or a nasty dispute in the worst.

Take the time to actually listen to what your customer or prospect tells you – especially any questions or concerns that come up.

Respect their time and listen to what they say they need from you.

Remember, a customer does not just invest money in you. They invest their time, their effort, and a host of other things.

So respect and value what they have to go through to do business with you.

And make it as easy as possible for them.

Be Generous
I don’t mean money here. Most of you are running a business and not a charity.

Basically, don’t be like the lawyer I knew. The one I referred 5 clients who paid well.

But when I needed his time later for a quick question about the law, he told me his team could answer it, but I would have to pay.

I haven’t spoken to him since.

And my next referrals and business (including two acquisitions for clients) went elsewhere.

Be generous with advice, share general knowledge and establish relationships based on trust between yourself and potential customers.

Like we said, people do business with people they trust.

If you can be their guide at the beginning of their journey, they’ll often come to you when they’re ready to pay for the services they need.

It’s not about being a sap… (don’t give the house away for free)

It’s about being helpful and trustworthy.

And establishing yourself as the person and solution that they can turn when the time is right.

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