In parts 1 – 4, David was called by his advisor and friend Nathan to come to a breakfast where he was told someone in his office was having an affair with the company and taking money from his daughter and his own retirement. David has been trying to guess who has been stealing from him and how much he has already lost…

“David, once you know who has been stealing from you.. what will you do about it?”

“I’ll call the police so that I don’t strangle him and her with my bare hands!..”

The spit flew out of David’s mouth, but if it hit Nathan he didn’t seem to notice…

“Well David, the thief is you…

“And you have already lost 5 to 10 times the amount of what your business has paid you altogether from opening until now…”

“What are you talking about?” growled David

“How can you accuse me of having an affair and stealing from my own daughter and family.. who do you think you are?…”

David rose from his chair so violently that he banged the table and knocked one of the cups to the floor shattering everything and bringing the whole café to silence…

The manager started walking over as David grabbed his jacket from the chair to head out..

“David, your mistress is your business.. that is who you obsess over and spend every waking moment thinking about…

“And yes, you are stealing from your daughter and yourself because you are making love to this mistress…. Spending all your time and sacrificing all your value… instead of having her work and build your wealth for you…

And she will chew you up and spit you out.. unless you sit you’re a** back down and listen to what I have to say…”

David had never heard Nathan speak like this…

He meekly sat down as the whole café once again began to stir and the manager went back to his place while a bus boy ran over hurriedly to pick up the shards.

“David you have a profitable business but every decision you make now has been destroying the value of your business. You have outsourced customer service to save a few bucks but they have done such a p*ss poor job your customers are leaving in droves. That destroys the value of your business…. But there’s more…

You stuck with Jack out of loyalty but rigorous financials are as necessary for a healthy valuable business as a good diet is for a baby. Jack is clueless and although he means well, he is sabotaging you by being an amateur as you should have financial reports you can call up on a dime and performance metrics that prove you are a serious and successful business.

And you have a pimp of a customer.. who you have allowed to slap you around and spend all sort of hours doing all kinds of crazy side jobs because he waves a bunch of bills in your face. Why would anyone pay money for your business to have someone like that.

And this affair with your business has given you a real bunny boiler of a mistress. Think about it.. she demands all your time, attention, and involvement to make every decision. You are neglecting your wife and child to spend all your time with her and because of this toxic relationship she has no value to anyone else besides you.

So you are stealing from yourself… profits if you were more predictable and systematic in your revenues, a future pay day by making your business a job instead of an asset that can sell. And freedom – you have closed off opportunities and options because of this mistress.

If you get sick today or get hit by a bus.. will your business – or this mistress in your case – take care of your family?

Are they positioned to take the day-to-day reins without you there?

So David… if you want to leave and go back to your mistress then I’ll settle the bill right now and we can go our separate ways… but if you want something more for yourself, your family, your business and your life… you will stay sitting and hear what I have to say…

David remained in his seat.

To Your Success and Sanity,

Thinking About Selling Your Business

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But you need to start getting ready now. Don’t be like the 7 out of 10 business owners who put it off until tomorrow and then find out they’re stuck with profitable businesses that no investor wants to buy, or child wants to inherit.

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