Our Daily Blog

Pig selling a pink vintage car
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Rare and Vintage Cars in a Pig Sty

How walking into a shop where exceptional customer service should be expected instead reinforced a key business lesson. You can have the most premium products and have them look the best possible but if you, or your staff, act no better than a bouncer at a bikers bar then your business will end up like the one I walked in… empty except for bored and frustrated staff.

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George Sotiropoulos

The book Club that Puts Profits in your Pocket

In the mood for 4 power mastermind sessions on key topics in helping you remove the roadblocks and unlock the opportunities in your business?
Ready for sessions with fellow business owners where no one tells you how to run your business (after all you know your business very well) but you share and gain insights that can in 30 minutes transform your business and ultimately your life.

Then read on and sign up for the next Roadlbocks Removal Business Advisory series.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

No More “Waiting Tables” When Running Your Business

Discover the ancient art of delegation, a timeless skill that transformed the early Christian church and can revolutionise your business today. From the historic disputes in Acts to the overwhelmed entrepreneur, learn how effective delegation is not just a task but an art and science.

Join us for the ‘Unlock the Growth Code Delegation Mastermind’ on January 25th. Transform from a ‘table waiter’ in your own business to a visionary leader.

Embrace true entrepreneurial freedom, and find the key to stepping back and accelerating your business growth. Curious? Read on and Message me for details.

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Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Why Pay Him That?

Taking a full commission job in a place where the infrastructure was not set up was an eye opener in many ways. However the biggest lesson was what happened after I was working so hard “but for free.” The courage to take the risk and do the role was ignored. The working for free was remembered and became a burden that affected what I could charge for my services.
It’s a lesson many business owners will want to take to heart when setting their pricing

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happy customers with thumbs up
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

Your Most Valued and Overlooked Asset

In my previous venture, we turned a startup into a top independent service provider, not just through our offerings but by mastering the art of exceptional customer service.

It was our commitment to personal interactions and understanding our clients’ needs that set us apart in a highly competitive market.

Here’s a Secret: It’s not just about what you provide, but how you make your customers feel.

Which we discuss in our upcoming Customer Experience Workshop on January 16th.

What You’ll Gain:
Discover the ‘secret recipe’ to elevate customer interactions into memorable experiences.
Learn strategies to turn feedback into a powerful tool for business growth.
Create a unique customer service approach that keeps customers coming back, just like their favorite morning espresso.

This workshop isn’t just an event; it’s to transform how you view customer service and its impact on your business.

Want to find out more? Read on…

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Coming in 2024 for Your Business

Ready to transform your 2024 into a year of action? As I pack for a family holiday, I’m excited to share upcoming workshops and masterminds for business owners to stay ahead of the curve.

These include:

Customer Experience, Delegation, Pricing and an Advisory Mastermind Series based on the book ‘Roadblocks You Can’t Ignore’ for growth insights.

These sessions are more than theory; they’re practical tools for immediate implementation. From enhancing customer loyalty to optimizing pricing, we’re covering it all.

Join us to unlock growth opportunities for your business in 2024. Stay tuned for more details.

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jimmy carter and George washington carver shaking hands in a peanut farm
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

The Question that Drives Your Customer Experience

Why do you do what you do in terms of your business. Why does it exist and what is its purpose. Your answer to this question will help guide how well you identify and meet the core desires, wants and needs of your customers. Just for the money – transactional. To change lives – transformational.

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ww2 soldier in a modern office
Dependency on Owner
George Sotiropoulos

Grow the Business Without Flashing the Badge…

After exploring differentiation and scalability, we dive into Cultivating a Growth Culture. This isn’t just about buzzwords and affirmations; it’s about transforming your business into a wealth-building asset rather than a time-consuming job.

In this post, we’ll walk through a real-life example and practical strategies for fostering a culture of accountability and innovation. So, if you’re ready to make your business fun again, profitable, and easier to run, this post is for you.

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