What are Time Spiders and Why You Should Care
Who are these time spiders that are trapping you and holding you back in your business and from living the life you want? Find out in the post below.
Who are these time spiders that are trapping you and holding you back in your business and from living the life you want? Find out in the post below.
You can learn a lot by how a spider hunts its prey by realising we run our business day to day as if a spider has us as its prey. Instead of a web of silk we are trapped in web of time wasters and others who trap us and keep us from owning the business and living the life we want.
Lots of hype around AI but if you blindly follow templates and send out hundreds of inquiries.. well the results can be very funny to say the least..
Pricing is not easy but it’s so important to get right. You want to avoid leaving money on the tale on the one hand and being uncompetitive by offering too little value for what you price on the other. So though it’s not easy, it’s critical to tie it in with the solutions you provide. As a potential cleaning entrepreneur discovered over a 10 minute coffee conversation.
Pay in Peanut get Monkeys. The reverse of this saying is also true.. Pay your people peanuts and they will be no better than monkeys when dealing with your clients. And that will kill your bottom line or severely crimp your growth.
A Delivery company is facing the stress of rapid growth with concerns about future staffing and capacity and not overdoing it. A sellability / equity mindset will help them cut through the fog and make the decisions that will build both their income and wealth. And give them much better peace of mine while they continue growing the business.
Savvy restaurants will often ask you for your birthday. Why do they do this? Because they know you are likely to celebrate it with your family and friends and so gives them an opportunity to offer you a deal you can’t refuse and to celebrate with them. It’s also a clever way for a business you’d think is a fully retail “eat what you kill” sales type fo company to be able to add predictable and more “recurring” types of sales.
A wow personal experience in an optical shop shows the mindset of a business that puts customer first and which will pay them dividends on their 10 minute time investment – not only by me but by countless others who become referred to them.