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F1 race car hauling a heavy industrial refrigerator
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Million Dollar Culture Penalty

Although it can be preached incessantly and annoyingly, the culture of your business should never be discounted or ignored. It determines whether you have a business that can grow on all cylinders or you have a business that might grow but at the same time spawns tough and effective competitors by staffing them with your employees after driving them out. One owner learned the hard way when to save $3,000 he ended up saving a competitor and transforming them into a multi-million dollar business.

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Spartan Soliders with Modern Weapons
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Championship Systems

Champions vs Losers in Professional sports across the years isn’t always about the best players. It’s often about the best systems to develop the best players year in and year out. It’s the same with companies. The perennial winners have the systems in place to make the business independent and valuable.

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jimmy carter and George washington carver shaking hands in a peanut farm
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

Peanuts and Profits

Replenish the soil is obvious to many farmers and gardeners today but was a revolutionary discovery in the late 19th century that not only revolutionised agriculture but whose principle of diversification and not relying on one market or customer is key business advice for today.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Handling 5x the Crowd at the Door

How is your capacity to scale up and grow the business? Are you fully tapped out today or could you handle more without having to invest more money or hire more staff. Which do you think is more attractive to potential investors and to your day to day existence?

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Boxer facing Bambi in the ring who wants to climb the ropes and run away
Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Bullied by the Numbers

The Numbers is something every Business Owner owns 100% but which is often pushed away or neglected. That only only affects a future sale but the PNL and cash you put in your pocket today.

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Michael Jordan dunking the ball in a business suit
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Pass the Ball to Win it All

Michael Jordan’s experience in the NBA is a great lesson for entrepreneurs on the struggles that come from trying to be a 1 man team and the rewards of employing a system that allow you to dominate and accomplish your goals and misson.

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Turtle walking down the road with a car behind it
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

The Tortoise and the Motorist

It’s funny how often governments wrap up initiatives by claiming a benefit to something everyone supports so that no one dares oppose the absurdity of what they are proposing. Wales is following this rulebook for a drive like a turtle law. In business, it’s often used to manipulate us – especially business owners. Stay aware and empower yourself to set the parameters when someone tries to pitch or sell you something.

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nervous business guy who tried to blackmail batman
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Fallacy of Blackmailing Batman

The late Jim Camp who was a master negotiator always taught the importance of knowing your mission and purpose and being able to live in someone else’s shoes when in talks. He stressed the importance of building a vision as the opening quote shows here and the business lesson it can provide.

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