Our Daily Blog

Modern dressed Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Today’s Slippery Snakes

As the story goes, Eve was tempted by a Serpent and brought death to the human race. In our businesses we are often tempted by Serpents who promise easy and seductive solutions to our problems but which only end up lightening our wallets and doing nothing to bring us success.

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Marketing wizard returns with some more bad automated marketing so picture shows wizard homeless
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

The Marketing Wizard Returns

: The Marketing Wizard returns with one of his automated follow up emails that proceeds to award me a fictitious certificate. It’s a cautionary example of even an apparently successful business trying to take a short cut and having it blow up in their faces.

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Spider with a clock as a body showing the time wasting spiders laying waste to entrepreneurs
Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Eliminating The Spiders Trapping you in your Business

You can learn a lot by how a spider hunts its prey by realising we run our business day to day as if a spider has us as its prey. Instead of a web of silk we are trapped in web of time wasters and others who trap us and keep us from owning the business and living the life we want.

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wizard wearing a dunce cap in a homeless tent city
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Email From a Marketing Wizard

Lots of hype around AI but if you blindly follow templates and send out hundreds of inquiries.. well the results can be very funny to say the least..

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Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Discount to Disaster

Pricing is not easy but it’s so important to get right. You want to avoid leaving money on the tale on the one hand and being uncompetitive by offering too little value for what you price on the other. So though it’s not easy, it’s critical to tie it in with the solutions you provide. As a potential cleaning entrepreneur discovered over a 10 minute coffee conversation.

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Monkey with a swrm of monkeys behind him
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

Pay Peanuts – Get Monkeys

Pay in Peanut get Monkeys. The reverse of this saying is also true.. Pay your people peanuts and they will be no better than monkeys when dealing with your clients. And that will kill your bottom line or severely crimp your growth.

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beautiful nature scene to show peace of mind
Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Peace of Mind and Profits from Predictability

A Delivery company is facing the stress of rapid growth with concerns about future staffing and capacity and not overdoing it. A sellability / equity mindset will help them cut through the fog and make the decisions that will build both their income and wealth. And give them much better peace of mine while they continue growing the business.

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Birthday Cake out of Money
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Birthdays and Predictable Revenues

Savvy restaurants will often ask you for your birthday. Why do they do this? Because they know you are likely to celebrate it with your family and friends and so gives them an opportunity to offer you a deal you can’t refuse and to celebrate with them. It’s also a clever way for a business you’d think is a fully retail “eat what you kill” sales type fo company to be able to add predictable and more “recurring” types of sales.

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happy customers with thumbs up
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

They Didn’t Have to Do That

A wow personal experience in an optical shop shows the mindset of a business that puts customer first and which will pay them dividends on their 10 minute time investment – not only by me but by countless others who become referred to them.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

9 Benefits Today of Optimising your Business for Tomorrow

I help business owners make their companies sellable but they often are not ready to act on sellability today. But here’s the thing. Starting today on sellability brings you 9 life changing benefits to your business that empowers you to dominate your competitors and make your business much more lucrative and easier to run. How many of these 9 benefits are you currently enjoying today

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Pilot flying plane with atari joystick
Dependency on Owner
George Sotiropoulos

Flying and Clarity

Many business owners fly blind when it comes to their companies and have little to no idea of how the business is performing daily, weekly or even monthly. They rely solely on bank statements or quarterly financials which can hide dangers that can crash the business.

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Man with too small clothes and dressed funny
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

He Will Grow Into It

Ever seen someone who hasn’t really grown up. You can often spot them with the bad style and ill fitting clothes. A business that doesn’t put in paths of growth often looks like one of these people who never grew up. And it’s not very attractive in either case.

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Man as a swiss army knife
Dependency on Owner
George Sotiropoulos

Swiss Army Entrepreneur

Swiss Army knives are the epitome of practicality and a must have when going on a camping trip. But for business owners, trying to be a solution for everyone by offering a bit of everything is a recipe for disaster. You often end up offering nothing to anyone. Read more and find out where the real riches are.. If you know the cliché you know the answer.

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F1 race car hauling a heavy industrial refrigerator
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Million Dollar Culture Penalty

Although it can be preached incessantly and annoyingly, the culture of your business should never be discounted or ignored. It determines whether you have a business that can grow on all cylinders or you have a business that might grow but at the same time spawns tough and effective competitors by staffing them with your employees after driving them out. One owner learned the hard way when to save $3,000 he ended up saving a competitor and transforming them into a multi-million dollar business.

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Spartan Soliders with Modern Weapons
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Championship Systems

Champions vs Losers in Professional sports across the years isn’t always about the best players. It’s often about the best systems to develop the best players year in and year out. It’s the same with companies. The perennial winners have the systems in place to make the business independent and valuable.

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jimmy carter and George washington carver shaking hands in a peanut farm
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

Peanuts and Profits

Replenish the soil is obvious to many farmers and gardeners today but was a revolutionary discovery in the late 19th century that not only revolutionised agriculture but whose principle of diversification and not relying on one market or customer is key business advice for today.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Handling 5x the Crowd at the Door

How is your capacity to scale up and grow the business? Are you fully tapped out today or could you handle more without having to invest more money or hire more staff. Which do you think is more attractive to potential investors and to your day to day existence?

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Boxer facing Bambi in the ring who wants to climb the ropes and run away
Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

Bullied by the Numbers

The Numbers is something every Business Owner owns 100% but which is often pushed away or neglected. That only only affects a future sale but the PNL and cash you put in your pocket today.

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Michael Jordan dunking the ball in a business suit
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Pass the Ball to Win it All

Michael Jordan’s experience in the NBA is a great lesson for entrepreneurs on the struggles that come from trying to be a 1 man team and the rewards of employing a system that allow you to dominate and accomplish your goals and misson.

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Turtle walking down the road with a car behind it
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

The Tortoise and the Motorist

It’s funny how often governments wrap up initiatives by claiming a benefit to something everyone supports so that no one dares oppose the absurdity of what they are proposing. Wales is following this rulebook for a drive like a turtle law. In business, it’s often used to manipulate us – especially business owners. Stay aware and empower yourself to set the parameters when someone tries to pitch or sell you something.

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nervous business guy who tried to blackmail batman
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Fallacy of Blackmailing Batman

The late Jim Camp who was a master negotiator always taught the importance of knowing your mission and purpose and being able to live in someone else’s shoes when in talks. He stressed the importance of building a vision as the opening quote shows here and the business lesson it can provide.

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crowd of Zombies
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Repelling Discount Zombies

Some customers can sense a business owner is desperate to sell whatever he offers and they take advantage by demanding unreasonable discounts or making false promises of big riches beyond the horizon – if only they cut them a deal today. Learn how to avoid these zombies and put your business on a strong and sustainable growth path.

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busy woman who missed a bus
Customer Experience
George Sotiropoulos

I Must Have a Discount

Avoid Prospects who demand unwarranted discounts as some sort of personal entitlement for them. It’s essential to differentiate between genuine requests and those who seek to undervalue your worth. Don’t let “Discount Zombies” haunt you.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Clients are Not Idiots

As we become experts in what we do we can fall into a common trap. Treating prospects and customers as children because they are not a proficient in whatever niche we specialise. It can drive away lots of good customers…

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crowd of Zombies
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Lost in a Mob of Discount Zombies

Many business owners take the shortcut and use their tax description to describe to prospects what they do. That ends up commoditising them, opening them to the “google slap” (where prospects go on google and find thousands of others who do the same thing for cheaper) and putting them at the mercy of price wars and bad attitude clients. See how one conversation changed my client from this fate to something much better…

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Grumpy bearded restauarnt owner
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Grumpy and Empty Tables

In this last restaurant we see how an owner’s personal attitude can drive the culture and ultimate success or failure of his business. How the “brand”of his business is tied up in how he presents himself to his potential customers.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Consistent Full Tables

I’m in Greece this week and will highlight some observations I see from different F&Bs that have customer experience and underlying business value lessons for all types of businesses. In the second one we have the most successful restaurant on the strand. Every day lunch and dinner he has full tables. And it stems from providing consistent high quality experience from the passerby to the final bill payment. An experience that gives him a constant stream of repeat patrons and others referred by friends or the high reviews.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Tzatziki, Gyros and Pizza?

I’m in Greece this week and will highlight some observations I see from different F&Bs that have customer experience and underlying business value lessons for all types of businesses. In the first one, we have a nice owner and a nice clean place but it’s sabotaged by confused messaging of what it is and some very awful pictures and inaccurately paint a low quality vision of what to expect inside.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Quality over Quantity

Ever been promised 1,000 leads without anyone knowing who your ideal customers are? Sounds impressive, but is it really worth your time?
In a recent conversation, this exact scenario unfolded, highlighting a crucial point about quality vs. quantity in business. If you’re tired of chasing numbers that don’t add up to real value, you’ll want to rethink your approach.
Curious to learn why? I explore this further in my latest post.

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women surround by creepy guys at Networking event at a bar
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Is this a Business Market or a “Meet” Market?

What if one common belief about business success doesn’t hold up when you look closer? Many people follow it without question, but it might not be as helpful as it seems. This article explores a surprising perspective that could shift how you approach growth and connections in your business.

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two women facing eachother in front of a closed door
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Please Shut that Opportunity Door in my Face

Two women, one having travelled across the world in search of investors, left a meeting before realising the person they needed was sitting right next to them. Sounds strange, doesn’t it?
It’s a story of missed opportunities, the price of a limited perspective, and how what we don’t see might be precisely what we need.
Curious about how this unfolded and the lesson it holds for business success?

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business man running in tunnel
George Sotiropoulos

Are you a Hostage to your Business?

Feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day grind of running your business? Many entrepreneurs end up stuck in a cycle of tasks, buried under work that doesn’t build real wealth.

Here, I explore how business owners create and bury themselves in these “tunnels” and what it takes to break free. Discover how now to be an hostage to your own business. When you delegate, automate, and finally lead your business from above—you discover where the real freedom lies.

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Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

The Key to 5x Your Profits

There’s a hidden asset in your business that could 5x your profits—and chances are, you might not be using it.
No, it’s not your product or even your team. It’s something most business owners overlook, yet the smartest ones use to dominate their markets.
I’m not spilling the beans here. But if you’re ready to unlock this game-changing asset, join the Owners Club and get access to the free course: “The Key Asset to 5x Your Profits.”

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woman in busines attire sitting in a lake of quicksand in an office complex.
Scaling the Business
George Sotiropoulos

One Reason Why Your Business Might Feel Like Quicksand

Feeling stuck in your business, no matter how much time you put in? You’re not alone—and there’s a reason it keeps happening. The solution isn’t what you might think, and it’s far simpler than working harder or longer.
There’s one secret weapon that most business owners overlook, but it could change everything for you.
Read the full post to discover a key to getting unstuck and moving your business forward.

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guy in a cluttered office with papers everywhere showing overworked business owner
Business Value
George Sotiropoulos

Stop Wasting Time and Start Building Wealth in your Business

My dream as a business owner wasn’t to spend every waking hour buried in busy work. Yet, that’s exactly where most business owners find themselves—grinding away in tasks that don’t build value or wealth.
Just remember: Time is your most valuable asset, and every hour you spend on low-level tasks is an hour you’re losing to grow your business into a wealth-generating machine. Stop treating your business like a job, and start leveraging systems, delegation, and strategies that free your time and create real value.
The shift is simple—stop doing what others can do, and start focusing on what only you can. That’s where the wealth is.

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